Balanced Craw

Competitors will have 2 minutes to complete a maximum number of unbroken overhead strict press reps at a designated weight (115 pounds for men, 75 pounds for women). At the 2-minute mark, athletes will move to the pull-up bar and perform a maximum number of strict pull-ups. The athlete’s score for the competition is the average of the combined rep counts.

Balanced Craw Exercises

Strict overhead press

Strict pull-ups

Workout Rules

To be considered for the podium and cash prizes, all competitors in the Balanced Craw Workout 2025 Open must adhere to the following rules:

  • The clock starts on the strict press lift-off and the pull-ups must begin at the 2:00 minute mark.
  • For the unbroken strict press:
    • Competitors must complete unbroken reps at the designated weight (115 pounds for men, 75 pounds for women).
      • Men can scale to 65 and women can scale to 45.
    • All unbroken strict press repetitions must demonstrate a full range of motion in which the barbell must touch the athlete’s shoulders/upper chest and a full extension and lockout at the elbow must occur at the top of the movement in the overhead position.
    • An athlete may not use a bounce from the barbell off of the shoulders/upper chest using any kind of momentum from the legs and hips. 
    • There is a three (3) rep minimum requirement for strict press reps completed.
  • For the unbroken strict pull-ups:
    • Strict pull-ups only, no kipping or butterfly pull-ups.
    • Palms must face outward, chin must clear the bar at the top of each pull-up, and arms must be fully extended at the bottom of each pull-up.
    • Banded pull-ups are acceptable, but your finish time will be placed after other competitors who performed the move unassisted.
    • Hand protection is allowed, but athletes may not use any grip enhancement devices.
    • Camera angle must be facing the athlete and must clearly show the chin relative to the bar.
  • The athlete’s score for the competition is the lowest of the two rep counts. In the event of a tie, the highest combined score receives the higher rank.
  • Issues with form in any completed rep will disqualify that rep from the total count for that movement.
  • Athletes are responsible for self-timing their workout, either with an app (i.e., WOD Tracker, SmartWOD Timer, WETime) or by having a gym clock or iPad with a timer clearly in view throughout the workout. Links to timing apps can be found on our website.
  • Donor Games judges recommend having an individual count reps for you during your workout.

*If you are unsure of your camera angle, you are welcome to submit a short sample video via the Donor Games app up to one week before the competition opens. Judges will review your video and either approve your camera angle or provide guidance on how to correct it.

**Any athlete with a valid restriction (e.g., past/present injury, specific issues completing the strict overhead press movement) should submit a sample video and contact Kevin Turcio for acceptance on reps and judging of the range of motion.

The Balanced Craw Workout is named after Demas Thurlow “Nick” Craw (April 9, 1900–November 8, 1942), who was a United States Army Air Forces officer and a recipient of the United States military’s highest decoration—the Medal of Honor—for his actions in World War II.

Founding Sponsors

  • National Kidney Foundation
  • National Kidney Registry
  • National Kidney Donation Organization