Rich Froning, professional CrossFit athlete and four-time winner of the Fittest Man on Earth title (2011-2014), recorded a video to congratulate the winners of the Donor Games 3-Rep Trap Bar Deadlift 2022 Open, a virtual competition that took place February 16–23, 2022.
“Donor Games athletes, just want to say awesome job and congratulations on a successful event,” said Froning, who went on to name the donor athletes who won first prize in the event: James Elmore, who won the men’s donor category with a lift of 500 lbs, and Mimi Mahon, who topped the women’s donor category with 370 lbs.
Froning gave a special shout out to Garet Hil, multiple Donor Games event winner and founder of the National Kidney Registry and the Donor Games, “in his mission to break the stereotype that living donation negatively affects your health. Thank all you guys for doing what you’re doing, impacting the world in a good and positive way,” Froning said.
“The Donor Games is grounded in CrossFit workouts. Therefore, we are honored and thrilled to have four-time Fittest Man on Earth and CrossFit legend, Rich Froning, announce the winners of our latest open, the Trap Bar Deadlift,” said Donor Games Director and living donor recipient Samantha Hil. “Many people think donating a kidney will negatively affect their health, fitness or productivity post-donation. The donor and recipient athletes who compete in the Donor Games have shown time after time that those with only one kidney can still achieve the peak of athletic performance,” said Hil. “Having someone like Rich Froning give a shout out to those donors is inspiring to everyone involved in the Donor Games.”
The next Donor Games event, the Super Murph 2022 Open, is open to kidney donors, transplant recipients and general athletes and will be held April 6–13 2022.
*Please note that this is an archived press release and any / all information contained herein may now be outdated.
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