2024 Championship Scoring

The Donor Games Championship is a points-based event; the competitor with the most points in their category wins.

This year, the total score for each competitor will be a combination of their scores from the three events, with a maximum of 10 points for each event. In the event of a tie in any individual event, the tied competitors will receive the same score.

For each event, the point breakdown is as follows:

  • 1st – 10 points
  • 2nd – 9 points
  • 3rd – 8 points
  • 4th – 7 points
  • Etc.

In the event of a total score tie in any competitor category, the tiebreaker will be 21 calories on an Echo Bike for time.

Burn & Bench Scoring (10-minute time cap)

The event will consist of two elements: a 1/2-mile run and a 1-rep-max bench press. After the run, the athlete will immediately move to their individual bench press station and establish their 1-rep max with whatever remaining time is available. Placement is based on the heaviest weight lifted in each category.

The Pike Scoring (10-minute time cap)

Competitors will follow a 21-15-9 rep scheme of toes to bar and Echo bike (measured in calories). The workout is complete once the athlete has completed all necessary reps or the 10-minute time cap has run out. Placement is based on the fastest time in each category.

Heavy Murph Scoring (25-minute time cap)

The Heavy Murph workout is conducted on a 25-minute time clock, during which competitors must perform as many reps as possible of:

  • 10 strict pull-ups
  • 20 shoulder presses (50 pounds for men; 30 pounds for women)
  • 30 split squats
  • 40 sit-ups

Placement is based on the total number of reps completed in each category.

Founding Sponsors

  • National Kidney Foundation
  • National Kidney Registry
  • National Kidney Donation Organization

Supporting Sponsors

  • Eurofins Transplant Genomics
  • Piedmont Transplant