Balanced Craw 2025 Open

Competitors have 2 minutes to complete a maximum number of unbroken standing overhead strict press reps at a designated weight (115 pounds for men, 75 pounds for women). At the 2-minute mark, athletes must move to the pull-up bar and perform a maximum number of strict pull-ups. The athlete’s score for the competition is the lowest of the two rep counts. In the event of a tie, the highest combined score receives the higher rank. Instructional videos for this workout are also available.

Competition Leaderboard

Living Donor: Men
Rank Participant Age State Video
T-1 Garet Hil 62 CT 19 22 19 Watch workout video
T-1 Eric Walano 32 NJ 19 22 19 Watch workout video
2 Adam Hull 43 MD 15 15 15 Watch workout video
3 Thomas Sullivan 31 OK 13 14 13 Watch workout video
4 Justin King 47 AL 12 16 12 Watch workout video
5 Claus Krukenberg 36 PA 12 12 12 Watch workout video
6 Brandon Cullen 25 NY 11 12 11 Watch workout video
7 Mike Ramsey 52 WI 10 12 10 Watch workout video
8 Jason Elmore 44 TX 11 10 10 Watch workout video
9 Kevin Kilkenny 55 NY 10 10 10 Watch workout video
10 Jon Sullenberger 62 WA 12 9 9 Watch workout video
11 Mark Murray 36 PA 9 10 9 Watch workout video
12 Anonymous Donor 45 ME 7 8 7 Watch workout video
13 Blair Casey 29 TX 20 3 3 Watch workout video
14 Cornelius Bornman 48 MI 17^ 12 12* Watch workout video
15 Adam Cozzette 35 MO 18^ 11 11* Watch workout video
Kyle Bergeron 30 FL
Mark Dixon 41 UK
Steve Holmes 53 PA PEND Watch workout video
Joseph Schrage 36 CA
Chris Sullivan 56 CO
Zachary Sutton 44 SC PEND Watch workout video
Benjamin Thompson 34 MA
Living Donor: Women
Rank Participant Age State Video
1 Roni Hays 28 TN 13 11 11 Watch workout video
2 Courtney Cox 41 MO 11 11 11 Watch workout video
3 Mimi Mahon 37 OH 15 9 9 Watch workout video
4 Emmy Spencer Probasco 44 MD 12 8 8 Watch workout video
5 Trinia Westcott 50 OK 6 5 5 Watch workout video
6 Molly Cropp 44 CO 10 3 3 Watch workout video
7 Kaci Alvarado 48 TX 15^ 15^ 15** Watch workout video
8 Andrea Alejandro 45 TX 30^ 13^ 13** Watch workout video
9 Taylor Jones 32 MO 13^ 14^ 13** Watch workout video
10 Radley West 53 SC 8^ 5^ 5** Watch workout video
Nicole Birkett-Brunkhorst 39 MO
McKenzie Hull 34 OH PEND Watch workout video
Clementé Love 41 TX
Sydnie McClendon 30 MT
Janet Walker 41 NY
Transplant Recipient: Men
Rank Participant Age State Video
1 Andrés Falco 34 SPAIN 10 14 10 Watch workout video
2 Codiee Lofquist 39 MI 8 14 8 Watch workout video
3 Leo Draham 36 PA 8 8 8 Watch workout video
4 Wilson Du 43 CA 8 5 5 Watch workout video
5 Scott Claybrook 43 AL 5 7 5 Watch workout video
Transplant Recipient: Women
Rank Participant Age State Video
1 Danielle Fiorito 27 NC 14 12 12 Watch workout video
2 Sydney McGuire 25 OK 14 7 7 Watch workout video
3 Abigail Beckman-Green 35 IN 6 6 6 Watch workout video
4 Samantha Hil 29 CT 3 4^ 3* Watch workout video
5 Merrill Walker 68 CO 15^ 14^ 14** Watch workout video
6 Bridget Hargot-Ramsey 50 WI 8^ 15^ 8** Watch workout video
Nicki Mahon 67 OH
Donna Sullenberger 68 WA PEND Watch workout video
General: Men
Rank Participant Age State Video
1 Tony Lauters 34 NE 20 22 20 Watch workout video
2 Mason Holmes 23 PA 22 18 18 Watch workout video
3 Greg Holt 39 CT 18 19 18 Watch workout video
4 Trevor Adaline 29 FL 16 16 16 Watch workout video
5 Shaphen Robinson 37 OH 20 12 12 Watch workout video
6 Edson DaCosta 46 CT 12 13 12 Watch workout video
7 Ryan Meehan 42 CT 10 10 10 Watch workout video
8 Miguel Person 46 NY 12 8 8 Watch workout video
9 James Fleming 44 SC 20^ 7 7* Watch workout video
10 Kevin Thatcher 51 MI 12^ 13^ 12** Watch workout video
Thomas Brewster 50 CO
Jose De Souza 29 NY
Gabriel Duarte 46 CO
Kevin Fulton 32 CT
Ezra Mernit 26 NY
Victor Pena 22 CT
Jordan Pineda 32 MO DQ Watch workout video
Casey Schmitz 40 NY DQ Watch workout video
Frank Schultz 56 MA DQ Watch workout video
Keith Welch 58 CT
General: Women
Rank Participant Age State Video
1 Megan Bell 33 WI 18 17 17 Watch workout video
2 Sam Briggs 43 OH 17 17 17 Watch workout video
3 Kandi Hughart 29 OK 12 12 12 Watch workout video
4 Mary Fisher 42 WI 11 13 11 Watch workout video
T-5 Kiana Sullenberger 31 WA 13 10 10 Watch workout video
T-5 Shanell Sullenberger 31 WA 13 10 10 Watch workout video
6 Abigail Lauters 38 NE 13 9 9 Watch workout video
7 Elizabeth Borchardt 39 WI 13 8 8 Watch workout video
8 Brianna Supple 25 CT 8^ 7 7* Watch workout video

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( ^ ) Athlete completed this portion of the workout scaled.

(*) Athlete completed the workout with one elements scaled.
(**) Athlete completed the workout with both elements scaled.

Workout Rules

To be considered for the podium and cash prizes, all competitors in the Balanced Craw Workout 2025 Open must adhere to the following rules:

  • This is a timed workout. The athlete must engage the barbell and lift off for strict press reps at the start of the clock and begin the pull-ups at the 2:00 mark. Judges are not responsible for calculating timing should the athlete not initiate the workout at the start of the clock.
  • For the unbroken standing strict press reps:
    • Competitors must complete unbroken standing reps at the designated weight (115 pounds for men, 75 pounds for women).
      • Men can scale to 65 and women can scale to 45.
    • For this movement, unbroken will be defined as a continuous motion while engaging the barbell. At no point during the unbroken strict press reps will the athlete be allowed to stop the movement in the middle of reps.
    • All unbroken strict press repetitions must demonstrate a full range of motion in which the barbell must touch the athlete’s shoulders/upper chest and a full extension and lockout at the elbow must occur at the top of the movement in the overhead position.
    • An athlete may not use a bounce from the barbell off of the shoulders/upper chest using any kind of momentum from the legs and hips. 
    • There is a three (3) rep minimum requirement for strict press reps completed.
    • Camera angle must clearly display the plate being used in order to confirm weight. If the athlete combines multiple plates to reach the designated weight, the plates must be identified (visually and audibly) at the end of the workout video.
  • For the unbroken strict pull-ups:
    • Strict pull-ups only, no kipping or butterfly pull-ups. If the feet and knees extend downward while the arms are pulling upward, that will be considered a kipping motion and the rep will NOT count.
    • For this movement, unbroken will be defined as a single engagement with the pull-up bar. Athlete can pause between reps but must stay on the bar for reps to be considered unbroken.
    • Palms must face outward, chin must clear the bar at the top of each pull-up, and arms must be fully extended at the bottom of each pull-up.
    • The scaled option is a dead hang from the pull-up bar, with every 5 seconds counting as a single rep of the pull-up exercise (e.g., a 30-second hold equals 6 pull-ups).
    • Hand protection is allowed, but athletes may not use any grip enhancement devices.
    • Camera angle must be facing the athlete and must be higher than ground level in order to clearly show the chin relative to the bar.
  • The athlete’s score for the competition is the lowest of the two rep counts. In the event of a tie, the highest combined score receives the higher rank.
  • Issues with form in any completed rep will disqualify that rep from the total count for that movement.
  • Athletes are responsible for self-timing their workout, either with an app (i.e., WOD Tracker, SmartWOD Timer, WETime) or by having a gym clock or iPad with a timer clearly in view throughout the workout.
  • Donor Games judges recommend having an individual count reps for you during your workout.

*If you are unsure of your camera angle, you are welcome to submit a short sample video via the Donor Games app up to one week before the competition opens. Judges will review your video and either approve your camera angle or provide guidance on how to correct it.

**Any athlete with a valid restriction (e.g., past/present injury, specific issues completing the strict overhead press movement) should submit a sample video and contact Kevin Turcio for acceptance on reps and judging of the range of motion.

Competition Rules

Registered athletes agree to and will comply with the following rules related to the Donor Games Open competition format.

  1. Eligibility
    1. All athletes must be 18 years or older as of the close of registration for the competition.
    2. All athletes must agree to the Donor Games Consent Agreement and adhere to the Workout Rules and Competition Rules herein.
    3. Athletes must submit their full workout video at any time during the competition window: from March 20 through March 26, 2025 at 11:59 ET.
    4. Athletes may submit more than one workout video to improve their standings on the leaderboard.
      1. Competitors may submit no more than ONE video within any 24-hour period.
      2. Should an additional workout video be disqualified; it does not impact the rank/eligibility of a previously approved workout video.
    5. Athletes must be willing to accept prize winnings via ACH. Failure to provide ACH payment information within one week of the official prize-winning notification will result in forfeiture of the cash prize. All prize winnings will be dispersed within two weeks of the official prize-winning notification from the Donor Games.
    6. General athletes who compete a modified workout are not eligible for cash prizes.
  2. Judging
    1. Failure to perform the exercises according to the guidelines will result in disqualification.
    2. Judges’ decisions are final.
    3. Judges may reject an athlete’s workout video due to: (a) improper form; (b) failure to complete the workout; (c) copyright infringements; or (d) any other issues that arise in review of the workout.
      1. If a workout video is rejected, the competitor is allowed to submit a new competition workout video at any time during the competition window.
      2. For this workout, judges may disqualify any number of individual reps versus a full disqualification of the workout.

Cash Prizes

Donor: Men$5,000$4,000$3,000$2,000$1,000$10023
Donor: Women$5,000$4,000$3,000$2,000$1,000$10015
Recipient: Men$5,000$4,000$3,000$2,000$1,000$1005
Recipient: Women$5,000$4,000$3,000$2,000$1,000$1008
General: Men$1,000$800$600$400$20020
General: Women$1,000$800$600$400$2009